Ok.. so it's been a hectic last few weeks. We found out that Doug got into pharmacy school last Monday. I am SOO proud of him! We are excited. It's a 3 year accelerated program which means he will be full time with hardly any breaks, but we can deal with that cause:
#1) Midwestern University is 1 of the 2 Pharmacy schools in Arizona {the other is in Tucson}
#2) The quicker we are done with school the better!
So that's exciting news! More fun news is that we are looking for a house since we know we will be stuck here for at least 3 years. It's has been hard work let me tell you.. I have lost a lot of sleep because of it.. but it's been fun! We have a short amount of time to close a house since Doug is starting school June 6. Even our offer was accepted tomorrow, it still takes 30 days to close. Yikes! Not a lot of time. So yes, I'm a crazy stressed woman right now. We had an offer that wasn't accepted and we have another offer we should hear about soon. Wish us luck! {For those who are wondering, we are trying to find somewhere half way between family and school.. which is quite difficult to find}.
With all of this good news comes some.. well lets say stressful news. I have two lab finals tomorrow, and exam on Friday, and two finals next week. Oh my goodness! My brain is pretty much overloaded right now. And it's affected me to where I'm not-so-nice to Dug at times. Luckily, he still loves me and understands. In fact, he is way more understanding. After I came home late from a long day tonight, Dug left this on my pillow {he went to play raquet ball}.

For those of you who can't read chicken scratch, it says:
Love my babe,
I am going to come home and snuggle & cuddle you so hard you will become part of me. Then I am going to eat every cell of your body. Love you much, Duggy Buggy Bear.
{Note: All of these are inside jokes, so I literally laughed out loud because it was funny and cried at the same time because it was ridiculously thoughtful of him.. yes I'm a little over-emotional.}
Seriously. How in the world did I get so lucky? I love this man so much. It's wonderful to be married to my best friend who amazingly knows what I need when I need it the most.