Monday, October 24, 2011

Be Jealous.

Yep. This is what I married.
And why life is never boring.
Funny thing is he did this right as we were leaving to go to my parent's house for Sunday dinner and I didn't notice the whole car ride over until we we were almost there.
I must be pretty used to this stuff because I just died laughing instead of freaking out like I used to.
I kept telling him I felt like he needed a belt with guns to complete the look.
My brother, Boomer, told him that he looked like one of those guys off a disco movie.
Either way, I definitely could not take him seriously until he finally shaved it off.
I mean... who could?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage...

It has been too long since I have updated my blog... but with all the changes going on, things have been a bit crazy! We finally settled in to our adorable home in Phoenix and I think I got things mostly the way I want them. We are about a 20 minute drive from our parents, a 30 minute drive from Dug's school and my work. And luckily, we live in a nice area and LOVE our new ward. The members have been so welcoming, the spirit is so strong, and I got my first calling... relief society teacher! When they put me in I wondered if they really know how young I am, but I am so excited to teach and this next Sunday will be my first time. Eek! I loved working in the nursery in our last ward but after a year it was good to find out I'll be in relief society for a while and my Sundays will be more uplifting, I think.

Our Perfect Starter Home

We got a sweet couch and rug for the living room

Dug is doing so good in Pharmacy school and is almost done with his first quarter. Woot! And I am done with my prerequisites for dental hygiene, turned in my application, and now just waiting to get accepted. With the way things are looking, I probably won't get in for a couple years. :/ In the mean time, I am working full time and taking some fun online classes through MCC. This next semester I am taking personal & family finances and child development to prepare us for the baby.


It's true! We have a little one on the way and are super, super, SUPER excited about it. And nervous. But mostly excited.

My First Positive Test {which I swear I almost fainted}

I ran down the hall screaming & jumping to tell Dug. As you can see, he is a little more shocked than excited at this point.. And my cheeks hurt I was smiling so much.

Today I am 13 weeks! This first trimester has been a little rough and I have gotten the sickness at night fairly bad.. I even lost weight! But, my symptoms are going away and I haven't been so tired as usual. Hallelujah!

We went into the doctor yesterday and had an ultrasound done. I knew it was kinda early but I had to ask because I am just DYING to know if it's a boy or girl {although, we would be equally excited for either!}

Love this little baby! It was so surreal seeing our active baby moving around inside me on the big screen. It seriously hit me that we are going to be responsible for this little human being that is half me & half the man I love! Scary but so wonderful!

According to the technician, this is supposed to be the proof that she is almost positive that it's a... little boy! I guess the arrow is pointing to his.. ya know.. stuff! Of course, she was pretty confident it is a boy but we will have to wait for another 6 weeks or so before finding out officially.

Both me & baby {boy} are both happy and healthy! I'm due February 16th. Our families are so excited and I have a TON of friends that are due near the same time. I'm pretty sure I can count at least 6. I don't know if it is me or not but I feel like there is a baby boom!! It is funny because our good friends Jamie and Krissy are expecting and are due February 13th.. and they found out a few days before we did! And even crazier/weirder... Krissy and I found out while we were staying in their house for over a week while we waited for our house to close.

We joke: There's something in that water!

P.S. No cute baby bump yet.. but it's coming slowly. I'll post pics when it does decide to show!

P.S.S. A blog about my best friend's wedding {not the movie!) and my step-brother's wedding is soon to come!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

You've Got to be Joking Me!

I was never cut out to be a beautician. I have known that for a long time. But here is the proof that came like a slap in the face this morning (P.S. This is AFTER I tried to make it better).

Good look, huh? I cried, and then we laughed, and then I cried some more. I didn't fully listen to Dug when he asked me to do the back of his hair (aka his hair line) and I was dumb enough to not check what size blade was on the clippers. I just went straight for it and before I knew it, there was a large, bald rectangle on the back of his head. Then this was the convo that followed:

Me: Oh my goodness. You've got to be joking me. Babe, I just cut your hair. I'm gonna cry.
Dug: (He stops and then reaches to touch the back of his hair) I thought you were joking around with me but I heard the hair cut. (Starts laughing).
Me: (Crying/laughing as I sit in the corner on the bathroom floor) Babe, I'm really really sorry. I can't believe this. You have to wear a hat all the time and we can't go to church with you like that!
Dug: (Still laughing) Breeze, it's fine. Just cut my hair shorter to match better but just be careful this time.
Me: (Wincing because I like his hair longer and scared to try again) Are you okay? Aren't you mad at me?
Dug: No, I think you having to walk around with me like this is enough of a punishment. And I don't have to see it, everyone else does. Plus, we will save money on shampoo and I won't have to worry about doing my hair now.

Clearly I am more devastated then he is. Once the shock wears off hopefully I will think it's as funny as he does. Maybe I might even come to enjoy his sweet bald rectangle with a diagonal in the middle.
Happy Sunday. :)

Me after I butchered my hair (hence the big bow)
My poor mom cried too.
The tradition continues...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crunch time! (Krissy- not Crunch as in Jamie haha)

Ok.. so it's been a hectic last few weeks. We found out that Doug got into pharmacy school last Monday. I am SOO proud of him! We are excited. It's a 3 year accelerated program which means he will be full time with hardly any breaks, but we can deal with that cause:

#1) Midwestern University is 1 of the 2 Pharmacy schools in Arizona {the other is in Tucson}


#2) The quicker we are done with school the better!

So that's exciting news! More fun news is that we are looking for a house since we know we will be stuck here for at least 3 years. It's has been hard work let me tell you.. I have lost a lot of sleep because of it.. but it's been fun! We have a short amount of time to close a house since Doug is starting school June 6. Even our offer was accepted tomorrow, it still takes 30 days to close. Yikes! Not a lot of time. So yes, I'm a crazy stressed woman right now. We had an offer that wasn't accepted and we have another offer we should hear about soon. Wish us luck! {For those who are wondering, we are trying to find somewhere half way between family and school.. which is quite difficult to find}.

With all of this good news comes some.. well lets say stressful news. I have two lab finals tomorrow, and exam on Friday, and two finals next week. Oh my goodness! My brain is pretty much overloaded right now. And it's affected me to where I'm not-so-nice to Dug at times. Luckily, he still loves me and understands. In fact, he is way more understanding. After I came home late from a long day tonight, Dug left this on my pillow {he went to play raquet ball}.

For those of you who can't read chicken scratch, it says:

Love my babe,

I am going to come home and snuggle & cuddle you so hard you will become part of me. Then I am going to eat every cell of your body. Love you much, Duggy Buggy Bear.

{Note: All of these are inside jokes, so I literally laughed out loud because it was funny and cried at the same time because it was ridiculously thoughtful of him.. yes I'm a little over-emotional.}

Seriously. How in the world did I get so lucky? I love this man so much. It's wonderful to be married to my best friend who amazingly knows what I need when I need it the most.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


CHANGE. It can be a scary thing. Or it can be exciting. Or Both. Sometimes it hits you hard and other times you barely even notice it happening. One thing about it is constant, though: it will always happen.

I have been thinking a lot about changes around me and in my life. My sister Brooke is graduating in a month. SO WEIRD. I still think of her as the sleepy little girl pointing to the doll in the toy car on Christmas morning saying "Get out!" But I have to admit, she has grown so much even in the last year but I didn't even realize just how much until now. Little babbling Brooke isn't so little anymore. She has become a beautiful confident young woman! And little Bit (aka Brittney Boo). It seriously hit me looking at her facebook profile pic that she is growing up too. I was thinking "Gosh, who is this gorgeous girl! She is not that rosie-cheeked baby I knew that was obsessed with barbies and barney anymore!" She's almost in high school!! Pure craziness. I love my sisters and am so excited for them at these turning points in their lives. I can't imagine how my parents must feel!

My Amazing Seesters :)

Another exciting change.. my best friend is getting
MARRIED! This makes me incredibly happy. Chelsea and I have been pretty much sisters for almost 10 years and I am so glad we have stayed close through all the changes in our lives.. and I just love that she found her Mr. Right and he put a ring on it. YAY! Love you Chels!

BFF's in Las Vegas

The Lovebirds {she's got the ring!}

Other changes, unexpected and difficult to handle, happen too though. At the end of last year I had lost two wonderful people in my life: My granny Ecco and my cousin Dalton. Granny Ecco, who almost made it to 100 years old, passed away quietly in November. She is now with her hubby in heaven. I will always keep my great-grandmother in my heart because she was an amazing lady and I loved her so much.

Dalton, who was just a few months younger than me, passed away in a car accident. For my whole family this has been one of the hardest changes to overcome. Daltonator had so much energy and was so full of life. I can't imagine times at our family cabin without him. I love him and miss him a lot and am thankful I have the spirit as my comforter to help me get through the hard times by knowing he is in a good place. And I'm grateful that this experience has led my family to become closer to his girlfriend Emi. She is so wonderful and we have come to love her as family!

As for me, I am trying to make some small personal changes, too. First on my list is eating healthier and working out. This week I have been pretty good at it. And of course, blogging is on my list too {keeping a journal of any sorts has never been my thing.}

Who knows what changes the near future holds for us.. Dug may start pharmacy school in June and we may buy a house and I might get in to dental hygiene school.. it's all up in the air at this point. I have always been a planner so flying by the seat of my pants isn't easy to do. I have always been uncomfortable with change.. it makes me nervous. SO.. I'm trying to be BRAVE with change because.. it's part of life. It's part of the plan. It's part of who we are.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Wedding Movie

I just loved watching our wedding video on our anniversary, and I finally figured out a way to put it on the blog {trust me.. figuring out all this blogging stuff has been a big leap for me!}
I am so thankful I made sure to get a great photographer/videographer because they captured our day so well. Enjoy!
(P.S. I will really try to keep from posting love posts for a while.. with our first anniversary it's just been on my mind a lot lately!)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One Year Down... Eternity to Go! ♥

Caution: My mushy-gushy-lovie-dovie side of me wrote this long post. Nuff Said.

I. Cannot. Believe. it has really been a whole year since we were married. Don't get me wrong though.. there are times when it's hard to believe that it's been only a year since we know each other like so dang well. Either way the shock comes, we are SUPER excited to celebrate our first official one year mark of a happy marriage together... and it is comforting to know that we have an infinite amount more to come! :)

I adore all the memories from our wedding day. Every time I think about our sealing makes my heart so full. At that very moment, I felt the spirit the strongest I have ever felt it in my entire life. Just looking at Dug across from me brought me to tears.. literally. I cried throughout the entire sealing because I was having the confirmation that this man, whom I loved with everything that I had, was mine for eternity and knew that our love would bring the most happiness anyone could ever experience. I also was in awe that I was finally accomplishing the most important goal in my life and the feeling was even better than I had imagined. To make those promises with Dug and Heavenly Father was the best decision I have ever made and I am so thankful that Dug found me and loves me and took me to the beautiful temple because it truly gave us a wonderful start to our lives together.

Life since that day has been so fun. Even though we are both busy with work or school, the times we get to spend together are packed with laughter. We constantly tease each other and are incredibly goofy at times. I can honestly say there isn't a dull moment. We have become able to know exactly what each other are thinking even if its not said out loud. Really. I don't know how many times we finish each other's sentences. And we both have learned a lot from each other. Because of me, he has been better about telling me what he wants.. and I, well, have been better about NOT doing that as often because of him. His calm personality has mellowed down my craziness {my little sister said to me "You seem different.. it's good, like you are more calm or something"} and my fiery personality has made Dug put up a good fight in our "Stubborn Wars"-- we are incredibly stubborn and it's quite comical. We have never really had an official first fight though as our what-could-be-a-fight's always turn into laughing/joking. We love it.. just being chill and layed back has made our marriage so enjoyable.

Since we are trying to be better at saving $ {we have sorta adopted Dug's brother/sister-in-law's moto: What are we going to do? SAVE IT!} we both decided to not buy fancy gifts for each other for our anniversary. We did, however, justify two buys by claiming they were for our one year: California Trip and Deep Freezer. The deep freezer may sound silly, but we got a good deal on craig's list and because we like to buy on sale then freeze stuff, our dinky freezer hasn't cut it for us! So I thought that was it, but sneaky Dug got something else.. and oops! I found out! And he found out that I found out.. which was partly good because the funny thing was that I was planning on getting him almost the same thing {along with some pampering, of course}, so it worked out to be a mutual gift.

See the picture above our bed? That's it! We both have wanted a big canvas picture.. it's sweet!

I am so happy to be so blessed with such a good husband and that we have had an awesome first year of marriage full of great memories.. and even happier there are many more to come. Love you babe!

(P.S. I must say, we loved conference along with attending our ward's temple session last night, they were perfect before our anniversary because they really set such a good tone!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby.. it's time for a vacation.

Welp.. here goes attempt #2 at trying to be a cute little blogger wife. It's been almost a year since my last post, but that's normal right? I'll keep my fingers crossed that this time I will actually stick with it!

Since we have been married there has been many occasions where I become absolutely obsessed with vacations. First, it was Puerta Vallarta. Then Hawaii. Then a cruise. {Nope we did not go to any of these wonderful destinations.. they were only my fantasies that I researched for a potential vacation.} Sad to say that due to our busy schedule and low married-college student funds, we have not had the chance to go on my dream vacation. However, when Spring semester started I made absolutely sure Dug and I had Spring Break week off so that we could finally get to go somewhere. Note: We have been other places for family events like Idaho, Utah, etc which were super fun, but I seriously craved relaxing on the beach. Well Spring Break time rolls around and we don't have any official plans.. so at last minute we decide to take a short romantic trip to California. Perfect. Idea. It wasn't crazy expensive and we had a blast relaxing and spending time together {Best Part!}

Wednesday we slept in and started our road trip to Newport Beach, Cali. It was so fun singing along to our favorite music and laughing and getting to talk about just random things. Did I mention laughing?

When we got to the hotel we checked in, walked around the beautiful grounds, and went to dinner at an Italian restaraunt called Mama D's. It was delicious! Dug loved the bread there so much that he said he would be fine eating there every meal! Silly guy. We drove around the city for a bit, got some groceries, and went back to the hotel to get some sleep for the long day of adventure I had planned for us {much research=Good deals & Fun!}.

Our Cute Hotel Room at the Hyatt Newport Beach Regency

We woke up and drove~30min to Long Beach where we boared the Catalina Express on a quick hour trip to Catalina Island {along the way we saw Dolphins and Seals!} As soon as we got there we pretty much ran a mile to Descanso Beach Ocean Sports to get our double Kayak and full wetsuits/snorkeling gear. After Kayaking for a while (which we were really good at) we pulled off to a nice beach to have lunch. After several attempts to snorkel in the ICE COLD water- bad idea I must admit-we decided to just relax and play in the sand and kayak more.

Aren't we adorable? {Feel free to laugh because yes.. these wetsuits are the least flattering oufits. Ever. Plus, the sandals don't help!}

Kayak Gear

Artist: Breezy's Stud

We then went Parasailing. 1400 feet in the air to be exact. I may have peed my swim suit bottoms a little... and I was a little unwilling to let go of the straps to hold Dug's hand {he got a kick out of this.} The view was beautiful and we saw seals, dolphins, and basically the whole island! It was way worth it. But I'm sad.. no picture of us doing this. But trust.. we really did.

Just pretend that's us! We were a TON higher than this, but we had the same awesome smiley parachute.

After that we walked around the shops, got candy for Dug, shared a carmel apple, bought a cute tee shirt for me, and then had a nice dinner at the Avalon Grille. Then exhausted we fell asleep on the Catalina Express boat back to Long Beach and drove back to the hotel where we took advantage of the jacuzzi. Then we watched some Seinfeld, fell asleep, and drove home the next day.

Harbor of Avalon, CA... AKA Catalina Island

Short but Sweet. And much needed. :)

(P.S. Dug loves cool Odometer numbers and we hit the big 100,000 miles so he had me film it. Here it is!)