It has been too long since I have updated my blog... but with all the changes going on, things have been a bit crazy! We finally settled in to our adorable home in Phoenix and I think I got things mostly the way I want them. We are about a 20 minute drive from our parents, a 30 minute drive from Dug's school and my work. And luckily, we live in a nice area and LOVE our new ward. The members have been so welcoming, the spirit is so strong, and I got my first calling... relief society teacher! When they put me in I wondered if they really know how young I am, but I am so excited to teach and this next Sunday will be my first time. Eek! I loved working in the nursery in our last ward but after a year it was good to find out I'll be in relief society for a while and my Sundays will be more uplifting, I think.
Our Perfect Starter Home
We got a sweet couch and rug for the living room
Dug is doing so good in Pharmacy school and is almost done with his first quarter. Woot! And I am done with my prerequisites for dental hygiene, turned in my application, and now just waiting to get accepted. With the way things are looking, I probably won't get in for a couple years. :/ In the mean time, I am working full time and taking some fun online classes through MCC. This next semester I am taking personal & family finances and child development to prepare us for the baby.
It's true! We have a little one on the way and are super, super, SUPER excited about it. And nervous. But mostly excited.
I ran down the hall screaming & jumping to tell Dug. As you can see, he is a little more shocked than excited at this point.. And my cheeks hurt I was smiling so much.
Today I am 13 weeks! This first trimester has been a little rough and I have gotten the sickness at night fairly bad.. I even lost weight! But, my symptoms are going away and I haven't been so tired as usual. Hallelujah!
We went into the doctor yesterday and had an ultrasound done. I knew it was kinda early but I had to ask because I am just DYING to know if it's a boy or girl {although, we would be equally excited for either!}
Love this little baby! It was so surreal seeing our active baby moving around inside me on the big screen. It seriously hit me that we are going to be responsible for this little human being that is half me & half the man I love! Scary but so wonderful!
According to the technician, this is supposed to be the proof that she is almost positive that it's a... little boy! I guess the arrow is pointing to his.. ya know.. stuff! Of course, she was pretty confident it is a boy but we will have to wait for another 6 weeks or so before finding out officially.
Both me & baby {boy} are both happy and healthy! I'm due February 16th. Our families are so excited and I have a TON of friends that are due near the same time. I'm pretty sure I can count at least 6. I don't know if it is me or not but I feel like there is a baby boom!! It is funny because our good friends Jamie and Krissy are expecting and are due February 13th.. and they found out a few days before we did! And even crazier/weirder... Krissy and I found out while we were staying in their house for over a week while we waited for our house to close.
We joke: There's something in that water!
P.S. No cute baby bump yet.. but it's coming slowly. I'll post pics when it does decide to show!
P.S.S. A blog about my best friend's wedding {not the movie!) and my step-brother's wedding is soon to come!