Friday, April 27, 2012

Never Say Never

First off.. Sorry Bieb fans, this is not a post about the adored Justin. Maybe next time.
Hunter started rolling exactly one week ago. After all the tummy times we did despite his absolute hate for it, it paid off. We were SOO excited. He rolled 3 times in row. I was shocked because I had no idea that babies could roll this young {he was 9 weeks old!}. But, Hunter is a big, strong boy so I'm sure he's not the norm for his age. I decided to google it to see what the normal age-- and while I was reading I came across a website that said to be careful with leaving babies on beds, couches, etc because you can never know when they will start rolling, and this why most parents will at least have one time when their baby falls. When I read that, I thought, DUH! Who leaves their baby on the couch by themselves?! I thought, that will never happen to me.

This is when the title comes into place..

So lately Hunter has been high maintence, and by that I mean he requires ALL of my attention. Seriously. Even if I am holding him while trying to do stuff, he isn't havin it. And he lets me know. The good thing is that when all my focus is on him, he's one smiley boy. BUT.. putting him down to take naps has been impossible without me holding him in the exact way he wants while singing the exact song he wants. And even then, he fights it. Needless to say, I have been exhausted from singing and rocking and holding 24/7. I don't think I even remember how to talk to normal anymore.. all I know is baby talk!

Mr. Pouty when he doesn't get his way.

Well last night he seemed to be doing ok so I decided to see if I could set him down on the couch, less than a foot away from me. After I did, I turned around to grab the remote and turn the volume down. As I did, I heard a THUMP.

I guess you could say my heart did the same thing. Only a GAZILLION times louder and harder.

Then came a mothers worst fear: her baby's screaming cry of pain. I don't think I have ever had a faster reflex than reaching down and pull him close to me as I rocked back and forth. I don't think I even took a breath for a whole minute. My heart was still pounding and all I could think was how I could let that happen, how I was such a horrible mom. My poor baby fell!!!

After a few minute he calmed down and I was able to check for battle wounds. Luckily, I think the fall just scared him and to be honest, I don't know who was more scared out of the two of us. All I can say though is that I have never been that scared in my whole life {this never is okay}.

Moral #1 of the Story: Never say never!
Assuming that you will be the exception when it comes to things where you should be thinking "better safe than sorry".

Moral #2 of the Story: The floor is always better, no falling included!

On a happier note, here is a video of him rolling in his P.J's.
P.S. Today he fell asleep in his own little bed by his own little self. YES!
P.S.S. Because of the P.S., I told Dug we should have him sleep in his bed at night {yes, we have been letting him sleep with us since he sleeps soo much better}. Dug loves to cuddle with him so he called me "The Big Bad Mom Wolf" and now insists that to be my nickname. Oh, boy. Let the good parent, bad parent games begin.


  1. Emmy did that once...fell off the couch, but I am not sure if she rolled or was helped off by her brother. I felt so guilty! She is a little crazy now, so maybe that could explain why ;) Have you had him checked for reflux or anything that could be causing him to cry?

    1. I'm glad this stuff happens to other moms that I know are great! (Well I'm not glad.. but it makes me feel a little less guilty haha). I have taken him in just to see but he just has good days and not so good days and isn't good at entertaining himself. :)

  2. Your mommy watched my sweet newborn, Rebecca when I went to Vegas in 1989 and Rachel put her on the couch and Rebecca did her first roll over. I think she was only 4 wks or so. It freaked out your poor mama!!!

    1. Oh boy! I don't know what would be worse.. your own or someone else's! I'm sure my mom felt soooo guilty cause at 4 weeks they are so fragile!

  3. You are such a good Mom and Doug is a good Dad! He is such a cutie. Him, Mikayla, and James will have fun together. :)

    1. Haha at times I don't feel like it but thanks Em! Yes I can't wait to watch them grow up together. :)
