Caution: My mushy-gushy-lovie-dovie side of me wrote this long post. Nuff Said.
I. Cannot. Believe. it has really been a whole year since we were married. Don't get me wrong though.. there are times when it's hard to believe that it's been only a year since we know each other like so dang well. Either way the shock comes, we are SUPER excited to celebrate our first official one year mark of a happy marriage together... and it is comforting to know that we have an infinite amount more to come! :)
I adore all the memories from our wedding day. Every time I think about our sealing makes my heart so full. At that very moment, I felt the spirit the strongest I have ever felt it in my entire life. Just looking at Dug across from me brought me to tears.. literally. I cried throughout the entire sealing because I was having the confirmation that this man, whom I loved with everything that I had, was mine for eternity and knew that our love would bring the most happiness anyone could ever experience. I also was in awe that I was finally accomplishing the most important goal in my life and the feeling was even better than I had imagined. To make those promises with Dug and Heavenly Father was the best decision I have ever made and I am so thankful that Dug found me and loves me and took me to the beautiful temple because it truly gave us a wonderful start to our lives together.
Life since that day has been so fun. Even though we are both busy with work or school, the times we get to spend together are packed with laughter. We constantly tease each other and are incredibly goofy at times. I can honestly say there isn't a dull moment. We have become able to know exactly what each other are thinking even if its not said out loud. Really. I don't know how many times we finish each other's sentences. And we both have learned a lot from each other. Because of me, he has been better about telling me what he wants.. and I, well, have been better about NOT doing that as often because of him. His calm personality has mellowed down my craziness {my little sister said to me "You seem different.. it's good, like you are more calm or something"} and my fiery personality has made Dug put up a good fight in our "Stubborn Wars"-- we are incredibly stubborn and it's quite comical. We have never really had an official first fight though as our what-could-be-a-fight's always turn into laughing/joking. We love it.. just being chill and layed back has made our marriage so enjoyable.
Since we are trying to be better at saving $ {we have sorta adopted Dug's brother/sister-in-law's moto: What are we going to do? SAVE IT!} we both decided to not buy fancy gifts for each other for our anniversary. We did, however, justify two buys by claiming they were for our one year: California Trip and Deep Freezer. The deep freezer may sound silly, but we got a good deal on craig's list and because we like to buy on sale then freeze stuff, our dinky freezer hasn't cut it for us! So I thought that was it, but sneaky Dug got something else.. and oops! I found out! And he found out that I found out.. which was partly good because the funny thing was that I was planning on getting him almost the same thing {along with some pampering, of course}, so it worked out to be a mutual gift.
See the picture above our bed? That's it! We both have wanted a big canvas picture.. it's sweet!
I am so happy to be so blessed with such a good husband and that we have had an awesome first year of marriage full of great memories.. and even happier there are many more to come. Love you babe!
(P.S. I must say, we loved conference along with attending our ward's temple session last night, they were perfect before our anniversary because they really set such a good tone!)
Girl you are so cute! I'm so glad that you are enjoying married life so much. Sounds like you guys are doing a great job of working on your marriage. Never stop being willing to change and admit when you are wrong. :) Happy Anniversary!!!!!